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Enoxaparin Sodium IP 40MG Injection


COMPOSITION:  Enoxaparin Sodium IP 40MG



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Enoxaparin Sodium IP 40MG Injection – JOCOPRIX-40 introduced its Enoxaparin Sodium IP 40mg Injection that helps patients to prevent blood clots. This injection is recommended only to patients who either underwent surgery or have a chronic disease that develops clots in their bodies. The best quality Enoxaparin Sodium IP 40MG Injection is available under the Brand name JOCOPRIX-40 by Sanify Healthcare. Sanify Healthcare is known as the Best Enoxaparin Sodium Injection manufacturer and supplier in PAN India.

Enoxaparin Sodium IP 40mg Injection is a very light medicine that comes under the category of Low molecular weight Heparin. The dose has to be taken with the authorized prescription on the valid undersigned slip only. This injection treats deep venous thrombosis which is a serious condition that occurs in the blood vessels of the legs.

It should be noted that the use of Enoxaparin Sodium IP 40mg Injection might give you some effect hence it’s your medical professional’s responsibility to carefully understand your body condition and provide the dose accordingly.

The application procedure for Enoxaparin Sodium IP 40mg Injection

While using the Enoxaparin Sodium IP 40mg Injection it is really important to take the necessary precautions to avoid infection.

  • The person injecting Enoxaparin Sodium IP 40mg Injection is requested to wash and sanitize their hands before the application.
  • It is recommended to get Enoxaparin Sodium IP 40mg Injection injected by a professional nurse only.
  • The injection must be injected inside the epidermis and not in the muscle as it might be harmful.
  • Make sure the physician uses the fresh needle and disposes of it right away after the single use.

Remedial benefits of Enoxaparin Sodium IP 40mg Injection

Enoxaparin Sodium IP 40mg Injection provides plenty of benefits.

  • The aid helps in the treatment of venous thrombosis that occurs inside the deep veins of our body.
  • It specializes in the deduction of blood clots and at the same time deforms the clot already formed.
  • Enoxaparin Sodium IP 40mg Injection also treats pulmonary embolism which is responsible for the blockage of pulmonary arteries in the lungs.
  • Enoxaparin Sodium IP 40mg Injection is also prescribed to patients who underwent major surgeries such as knee replacement.

Complex responses after Enoxaparin Sodium IP 40mg Injection

The consumer may suffer some common aftereffects during the medicinal period.

  • Enoxaparin Sodium IP 40mg Injection may cause a severe headache. The level of headache may vary on how the body responds to the medication.
  • The patient may notice the dark coloration of urine that would either be brown or red.
  • There are chances of prolonged bleeding from the bruises.
  • Patients can suffer heavy breathing after the consumption.

There are other aftereffects too that included back pain; mood swings; phlegm that promotes chest congestion and sometimes dizziness too.

All the above-mentioned side effects of Enoxaparin Sodium IP 40mg Injection depend on how the patient’s body responds and the quantity of the dose too.

Aid requirement

The medicinal requirement for the Enoxaparin Sodium IP 40mg Injection depends entirely on the medical professional and the demand of the body for the dose.

Allergy reaction from Enoxaparin Sodium IP 40mg Injection

Consumers are requested to read the component label before getting the dose and if the patient is having any preservative or food allergies, the doctor has to be informed for the same immediately so no casualty may happen.

Precautions to be followed

  • A person is advised not to consume alcohol during the medicine period.
  • One should drink plenty of liquid especially water.
  • If you suffer any kind of pain after the dose it is advisable not to drive or do any activity that provokes the pain.
  • Remember to get Enoxaparin Sodium IP 40mg Injection from a medical professional only.
  • Do not take more doses just to get quick results.
  • Pregnant women and children are requested to take under the guidance of a doctor only.

Wrapping up

Enoxaparin Sodium IP 40mg Injection by JOCOPRIX-40 is for external use only and should be taken on the suggestion of the clinician only. The medicine will give the desired results when taken with full precautions and maintained the required gap between the doses.

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